There are many women unnamed in the Bible. We know them by their faith. Manoah’s wife is one of them.
The Women Not Named

Women in Ministry and Leadership
There are many women unnamed in the Bible. We know them by their faith. Manoah’s wife is one of them.
Yes you can! You don’t have to be a devoted wife and mother to be used by God. You may be exactly what God intended for you. This one is for all the single ladies.
We don’t even know her name. The woman with the issue of blood is representative of all of us, secretly wounded, bleeding inside, and desperate for a miracle. But what was the real power that saved her?
Miriam was part of the leadership deliverance team, an influencer to a nation, until she made one terrible error in judgement.
Since I wrote about women in ministry and leadership last week, I thought it appropriate to write this week about a married couple who ministered side by side with the Apostle Paul.
Have you been watching and waiting for an answer to prayer? God is often working in the unseen and unknown. They say seeing is believing. Faith is not seeing and believing still.
Bathsheba was the original Hashtag Me Too. She suffered much but ended well. It was David who paid the heavier price for her one night with the King.
Naomi lost her husband and two sons but gained a true daughter and a place in the genealogy of Jesus Christ.
She bore the brunt of other’s poor decisions and the consequences of some of her own poor choices. God still cared and met her when and where she needed Him most.
Who poured the oil on Jesus feet and wiped them with her hair? There is more than one story. Here, once again Jesus defended a woman who loved him.