Some scriptures tell us we should love God more than we love our children and spouses. Can you honestly say that you do? How is it even possible?
What Good Fathers Do
When the people who should protect, defend and love us don’t, we have a Father who will.
The Rescue
When you want to help, but you don’t know how or what to even say.
Pick it Up
We are familiar with the concept of laying things down for God but what about the second part of that challenge?
From Ordinary to Extraordinary
God turns ordinary into extraordinary, if you will let him.
Is it too Late?
If you are anywhere near retirement age, you may be wondering what possible purpose God has for your life now. Is it too late? Let’s see.
Crossing the River
Crossing the Jordan River. Will it stop you or are you ready for God to do a new thing in your life?
When Christmas is Hard
Christmas can be hard for those who are alone, ill, in mourning or separated from loved ones. This message is for you.
When You Need A Blessing
Are you having a hard time right now? Are you longing for someone to comfort and encourage you? Here’s what you do.
The Daughter of Abraham
Who was the daughter of Abraham? The answer will probably surprise you.
One small reference has so much to teach us.