My husband and I are in the process of retiring from full time ministry for the Christian Motorcyclists Association. For the last twelve years, we traveled extensively throughout the United States and over seas.
When the 2020 Covid Pandemic shut us all down, we were able to be home for an extended period of time. I used that time to write a book about overcoming doubt when God does not answer our prayers, especially in relation to healing. It is titled, “Why Doesn’t God Just Heal Me” and is available on, in eBook, paperback, or in Audible.

I loved the time I spent writing. A lifetime of learning and growing in faith served me well. I started down that road with fear and trepidation. I was confident about what I had learned in my own health and healing journey. I didn’t know if I could write a book and then get it published.
God knew what I lacked and brought people along side who could help.
God brought people along side to assist and encourage me and in October 2020, I held the first paper back in my hands. Writing a book had been my lifelong dream and goal.
I didn’t want it to end there. I had in mind another book and prayed about it for a year. I wanted to write a book about women in ministry and leadership. I spent much of that year gathering information, reading books and making notes, stacking files, and organizing my thoughts. I spoke to my mentors and had their buy in.
Finally the day came when it seemed the right time to start actually writing. The journey of a thousand pages begins with the first paragraph! Over and over, I stumbled and ran into road blocks. I knew what I wanted to say. It just didn’t seem to come out right. Nothing seemed right. Over and over, I would write, delete, try again and delete.
I had prayed for a year about this project. What was wrong?
I came to the conclusion that the problem was one of three things: either it was the wrong topic, the wrong time, or the wrong format. I had no idea where to go from there except to wait on God for an answer and a new direction.
When God says “Be still and know that I am God,” it means stop everything. Stop talking. Stop striving. Stop worrying. It means just still you mind and go focus on something else for awhile. So I went Christmas shopping and cleaned out my closet.
When God says be still and know that I am God, He means to stop everything. Stop talking!
The new direction came in a conversation with my son who suggested I write a Blog instead of a book. He pointed out that my husband and I are still committed to our ministry with the Christian Motorcyclists Association for another six months, and although our work would primarily be mentoring our replacements, we are still committed to a lot of travel. He suggested a Blog would be easier to manage around our current schedule than trying to write a book right now.
Was this the problem? Was this the reason I could not get a book started? Was the problem not the topic or the timing, but the format?
I had said that writing a second book was not as scary as it was in 2020 when I ventured into writing, “Why Doesn’t God Just Heal Me.” Now here I am, way out of my comfort zone, again! I know how to write, I know how to encourage people. I know how to share God’s word and God’s wisdom. I don’t know anything about writing a Blog!
Where God guides, He provides
Once again, God has brought people along side to help me along. I am learning something new every day, mostly learning from my mistakes! I have some basic computer skills, but this format is all new to me. If you stumble on this article, I am asking for grace as I learn my way around this format.
Once I get some of this technical computer stuff figured out, I hope to post something at least once a week. I hope you’ll be patient with me as I learn and grow and I hope you’ll come back often and see what God is doing here.
One final thought: My passion and calling is to be an encourager, a counselor and a teacher. My joy is just knowing I can make a difference in someone else’s life. That’s the objective here. I will try and hurry this learning curve along so I can begin doing that proficiently.
Thanks for stopping by.
Why Doesn’t God Just Heal Me
If you like what you’ve seen here, please consider picking up a copy of my book
Why Doesn’t God Just Heal Me – available on
ebook, paperback, and Audible
Having endured an undiagnosed illness for thirty years, I prayed daily for healing and diligently searched the Bible to answer the questions we all ask when faith does not seem to be enough.
With a comprehensive and balanced application of scripture, I address the topic of healing and answer the questions that test our faith.